When you reside in an apartment, you’re almost certain to have several people around you. Neighbors could turn out to be helpful while others could frustrate you.
If a neighbor begins causing issues, it doesn’t mean that you should pack up and relocate. Instead, follow these tips to handle the situation effectively and make the neighborhood a better place for everybody.
You Can Resolve Most Disputes with Communication
A simple visit or chat over-the-fence might be all that you need to resolve a dispute with difficult neighbors before matters become hostile. Your neighbor might simply not recognize that his dog barks all day while he’s at work.
Even the way your neighbor uses his home might cause misunderstandings. Your neighbor might not think that using the residence an Airbnb while they’re away is an issue. A simple conversation could resolve some misunderstandings while ensuring that everybody is on a similar page when it comes to dispute handling.
Since you need to continue living next door and interact regularly, moving into a legal dispute when it’s not really necessary could cause more issues and strife. Obviously, dangerous or criminal activity needs serious handling.
However, other disputes could begin with frank talk and gentleness. If you start with a legal stance or aggressively, you might end up causing more discomfort and strife than it was initially.
Unfortunately, not all neighbors are rational. If the neighbor becomes confrontational, don’t fall for it. Just make it clear that you aren’t there to quarrel. In the event that the neighbor persists, just leave but don’t lose hope. Your decision to approach the neighbor will place you in a better position if you go to court or talk to the landlord.
Approach the Landlord
You’re entitled to reside in your rental without disturbance. If your neighbor disrupts your peace, the landlord may have to end it. For instance, the property owner might have to implement a lease provision that sets some hours aside as quiet time against a renter who makes late night noises.
Also, the landlord might have to issue a stern warning to a renter against smoking outside your door or in the hallway. When renters aren’t liable for the issues they create, the landlord might still be able to make things right.
For instance, if the walls are so thin that there’s disturbance even when the neighbor plays music at a sensible volume, see whether the property owner can reinforce the walls.
If you’re unable to approach your neighbor verbally for whatever reason, consider writing a letter in a polite tone.
Be clear regarding the matter and offer to reach an agreement. Try to make it appear as though both of you want to resolve the issue. For instance, if the neighbor’s tree is causing an inconvenience through hanging branches, you can offer to trim part of the tree. While this will take work on your part, it will probably be worth the effort.
Contact the Codes Department or Association
A situation might arise in which it might not be possible to handle matters yourself. If the issue persists despite trying to resolve it, inform the city codes department or neighborhood association. Most organizations will send a letter to the landlord without disclosing who contacted them. Nevertheless, be ready to defend yourself in the event that the neighbor discovers it was you.
Final Thoughts
Regardless of where you live, you’re likely to run into bad neighbors at some point in your life. While they can disrupt your peace, it’s possible to handle such situations amicably with these tips.
For more information on how to handle a troublesome neighbor, contact us at Apartment Agents or leave a message.