Nowadays virtually every film and television show is readily available at the click of a button.
Apartment living can be expensive, so it’s always worth finding ways to lower your monthly outgoings. Ridding yourself of cable in favor of streaming is just one way to reduce costs.
The Internet and HDTV antennas allow you to completely cut your cable bills and get a better viewing experience at a mere fraction of the price.
Here is a list of the top 5 alternative services on the market.
Netflix is without a doubt the granddaddy of video streaming. For $7.99 per month you can stream as much television episodes and films as you’d like directly to you console, mobile, tablet or personal computer. Netflix was the first streaming service to gain international recognition and contains the largest catalogue. In September Netflix upgraded their system and now they provide the highest quality HD streaming to all of their members, regardless of their ISP.
Apple TV
Apple TV works a little differently to Netflix and other streaming services. The one-time fee of $99 covers the cost of the media play, which can be plugged directly into your television. This device allows you to rent 1080p films, television, sports and concerts on demand. Some people complain that Apple TV doesn’t have a wide selection of media; however, the device can be linked to streaming services such as YouTube, Vimeo, Netflix and Hulu Plus.
Unlike other streaming services, Hulu has both a free and paid subscription service and is generally more focused on television. The free version is limited to PC’s, while the paid subscription, aka Hulu Plus, has a much bigger selection of content and can stream to blu-ray players, tablets, mobiles and games consoles.
The Roku device connects to your home Wi-Fi signal, allowing you to stream over 300 channels on your television via the Internet. The vast majority of Roku channels are free of charge. Exceptions include other paid subscription services such as Netflix. While Roku doesn’t broadcast cable channels, it’s definitely worth considering since there are no subscription fees to use the service.
Google TV
Google TV comes built-in to many modern HDTV’s. If not, you can purchase a buddy box which can be connected with a HDMI cable. There are no subscription fees and it updates itself automatically. Google TV contains over 100,000 television shows and movies on demand. While Google TV is still fairly early in development, new apps get added on a regular basis, providing diverse services such as radio, live news feeds and video games.
With the accessibility of digital streaming and dirt cheap subscription costs, it’s a wonder how cable even still exists. If you’re moving to a new apartment in Houston or Dallas and are looking for ways to reduce your monthly outgoings, these services are definitely worth considering.
If you’d like more information on how to reduce your bills or if you’re looking for a new apartment, feel free to get in touch with us at Apartment Agents.
Image: Rob Boudon