Irrespective of the kind of heater you own, if you maintain and operate your system sensibly, you could save money and be comfortable.
As the temperatures start dropping, it’s the ideal time to ensure your system is ready for winter. You’ll discover that regular maintenance can make a big difference concerning your system’s performance.
On the other hand, a poorly performing system can increase energy bills dramatically. If you’re seeking ways to increase your heater’s efficiency, here’s how.
1. Replace or Change Filters Regularly
You can easily forget to change your system’s filter because it’s frequently concealed in some dark crevice in your home.
However, if the filter reveals signs of blockage, the system will have to work harder in order to attain appropriate airflow throughout your home, resulting in wasted energy and higher monthly bills. Changing your system’s filters will help extend its life as well.
You’ll also discover that this task is affordable and easy. Filters aim to protect your heating system from dust, debris, and other things, so it should be part of your maintenance.
While this task seems simple and unimportant, changing the filter can save you money. This task not only improves your system’s efficiency and airflow, it enhances your home’s air quality.
It’s also important you wash or change it if you notice slight accumulation of dust. If you don’t know its location, call a technician to show you.
2. Update and Service the System
It’s important to have a licensed technician service your system at least once annually. This will ensure it runs effectively and repair can occur before it becomes a major problem or breaks down completely.
Bear in mind that a complete breakdown will probably need a new system, which can be costly. You should also consider updating it if it’s 20 years or more.
While old boilers can last several years if maintained, they’re less effective than the more efficient ones available these days.
It’s important to note that high effectiveness comes with more expensive and costly parts to repair and maintain as they age.
3. Appropriate Thermostat Use
Set the thermostat between 18 and 20oC for residential areas. Your bill is likely to increase by up to 10% if you set it any higher. You should place it in an area where you spend considerable time.
You should also protect it against draughts and heat sources, for instance heating outlets or direct sunlight.
Consider installing a programmable thermostat that can regulate your home’s temperature depending on the time of day. Your home doesn’t have to be warm when you are at work and the kids at school. This way, you won’t waste heat during the winter.
4. Keep Vents Clear
When warm air blows out of the vents, it requires a clear path into the room you’re heating. If you block vents with furniture, the furniture will absorb the heat and your system will work harder and take longer to heat the home.
This will eventually increase your energy bills, so rearrange your furniture. You should also clean them sporadically to prevent the accumulation of debris and dust.
5. Seal Ducts
The tiny cracks and holes in your system can collectively add energy expenses as they permit air to escape from them. Ensure you check for air leaks regularly and seal the ducts with duct or mastic tape.
Heating systems require attention to keep them functioning efficiently and safely. Therefore, adopt these tips for optimal efficiency.
For more information on how to help your heater run efficiently, contact us at Apartment Agents or leave other suggestions.