Finding a rental apartment is increasingly becoming competitive as more people relocate to the city. Consequently, today’s apartment hunters may face a restricted rental supply and a higher price tag for the remaining ones.
However, you shouldn’t settle for a place that isn’t appropriate because of fewer available options. Here are some warning signs of an unsuitable apartment.
1. Old Windows
This is one of the first things you notice when you enter a room. However, apartment hunters often ignore the quality of the windows and this can cost them aggravation and money in the end.
If the windows are old and creaky, considerable heat will go out the windows, leaving you with a costly heating bill, especially if it isn’t included in the rent. An ideal apartment should have double-glazed windows with low E-glass that offers better insulation.
2. Poor Maintenance
It’s vital you conduct a thorough examination of the apartment to ensure everything is functioning properly and that everything is well maintained.
You could start by turning on the air conditioner to ensure it is functioning and turning on the faucets to establish the duration it takes to get warm water running.
You must also examine the faucets and showerheads to determine if they’re leaky. This could lead to moisture accumulation behind the walls and ultimately mildew and mold.
If the building shows signs of poor maintenance, chances are you’ll face ongoing maintenance issues. At the very least, you should document these issues and have the property manager sign an agreement acknowledging the issues and indicating his intention to fix them.
Otherwise, it could take longer for the repairs to take place and you could be liable for the maintenance issues.
3. In-progress Projects
The landlord may promise to complete the partially done projects by the time you’re moving in. However, you have no way of knowing whether this will happen.
It’s important you get this in writing, indicating the expected dates of completion. If you sense hesitation on the landlord’s part, perhaps you should consider another apartment.
4. Unsafe conditions
The rental unit must have sufficient exits in the event of emergencies, including a door or window in each bedroom that’s huge enough to function as a fire escape.
Attic and basement units can be particularly spotty when it concerns these things, so make sure you take a good look around or inquire about the location of the exits.
You should also watch for other safety hazards and make sure exterior doors have proper functioning locks and the unit should have a smoke detector.
5. Peeling Paint
Most units undergo a touch-up paint job between tenants. However, if you notice a considerable amount of peeling paint from the walls, this is a warning sign.
Generally, this is a telltale sign that the building manager isn’t taking care of the unit. Even worse, peeling paint in older buildings can be a health hazard because the paint may be lead-based.
6. Stains and Warping
A leak that’s gone unnoticed or leaks originating from the ceiling could possibly turn into a mold issue. Pay extra attention to the ceiling for odd blotches of discoloration.
You can detect water damage beneath the kitchen and bathroom cabinets through warping of the wood. Issues like these reveal that the landlord hasn’t adopted the proper measures to fix the issues, which means you risk renting from a negligent property owner.
7. Overeager Landlord
While it may seem nice that a property owner doesn’t care about conducting any screening procedures such as a credit check, beware of landlords who appear too keen to dispense with formalities. This could be an indication that they are trying to offload the rental as fast as possible.
Taking the time to examine the apartment’s condition closely is critical. In the excitement of finding a new rental, it can be easy to highlight the qualities you favor and overlook the concerns. Nevertheless, these warning signs will guide you in your decision.
For more information on how to spot the warning signs of an unsuitable apartment, contact us at Apartment Agents or leave a comment.